Monday, November 23, 2015

RV Rentals Business, Dumont Dunes

Busy day today.  I woke up and weighed in for my final weigh in for the weight loss challenge I am in.  I Lost weight! I started my day by making a curtain for one of our RV's that had a blind that was all kinda broken up, didn't work.  So I got out my sewing machine and measured the window and stitched up a cute curtain for the window.  I removed the valance, removed the blind from it and installed the curtain rod hardware.  Then I added the curtain and put the valance back up and voila!  It looks great again.  No more blind that won't work!  Then I went to the kitchen to make mine and my husband's  healthy shakes for breakfast.  Yum Pumpkin Spice flavor, so yummy and filling!  We then cleaned the RV together and got it all prepped to take to Little Dumont Sand Dunes.  I made ready our snacks and drinks so we could survive the day out in the desert!  I made us a Hydrate drink with H30 in it and I added herbal tea concentrate to mine for energy.  I filled up water bottles and packed bars for snacks.  We drove two trucks and delivered the RV we cleaned.  We talked to the nice people who are renting from us.  Great group!
Then we went to Big Dumont dunes and prepped three of our RV's out there for pick up, locked them up and went to the wash to pick up two different RV's out there.  One of them had a flat tire!  So we had to take time to pump that one up, it has a slow leak.  Then Kelly and I drove the two trucks and RV's out to Tacopa where we dropped them at the RV park there.. then it was on to Tacopa to pick up my purse which I left in the little cafe there Saturday night on accident!  I called the they put it in the safe for me.  Picked that up and then it was back to Dumont to pick up two we prepped earlier.
I stopped in to say hi to my sister in law's sister and her daughter.  Wendy let me know she was camping out there and described where they were camping and I found her!  We chatted and talked and it was fun to see her out there!
So then Kelly and I hooked up two from the group of three out by bathroom 10 and we drove them home.  By this time it was dusk, sun was going down.  Always fun to try to drive on the dirty, dusty road with the sunset in your face.  It was pretty hard to see!  Lol.  Then when the sun went down, I noticed that Kelly's chains were hanging a bit too low, I saw sparks.   I was able to pass him and get him to pull over and we got that all fixed.  By this time it's dark and I'm really wiped out.  a 10 hour day!  Kelly left to go get the last RV out at Dumont and we're done for the night.  Tomorrow we'll have 4 to clean and get ready for delivery for the big Thanksgiving weekend - we have all 9 booked and rented.  At least they aren't all being delivered the same day!!  We'll stay in our little Wildwood over the Thanksgiving weekend and our son Daniel will come out with us, help and spend time with us.  Always fun to be with kids, even if it is only one of them!  We are blessed to have so much business.  I'm beat, tired and done.
There is no cell service out there on the way and at Dumont.  I feel completely cut off from everyone, Lol!  I wasn't able to mail my twin sons a birthday card today.  I wasn't able to get them a birthday present.  There are MANY days like this one and I have no time to do the Mom or Grandma stuff.
We are on task to be building this business and have our son Daniel help us and eventually be the manager of the companies.  I love the time I'm in right now, but it is hard work and sometimes exhausting.  I don't always get to do the things I'd like to do, we work so much together and Kelly relies on me to help him a lot.  
I received some great news about my Mom's health this evening.  So happy she's 78 and still doing so well with her health, her and my Dad.  Love them so much.
That's it for now, busy day and good day!  Tired and ready to veg and watch some netflix.
Until another time!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Gratitude and Close Calls

I wanted to write down some experiences that have happened in my family that have caused me to stop, pause and think "Wow!  That could've been so much more dangerous or so much worse!"  We are truly watched over and protected.  It is my belief that as we live, or do our best to live a good life, serve others, keep God's commandments and keep the covenants we have made to stand as a witness of Christ at all times, in all things and in all places, we are divinely protected.  In no way am I saying that "bad things only happen to bad people" but I do believe that God watches over us and protects us and He has a plan for us.   Bad things do happen to good people sometime.  We are living here on earth to gain experience and learn to grow and gain from all the experiences we have.  There is no joy without opposition.  When we are sick, we are sad and uncomfortable so that when we get well we know we feel so much better!  We like NOT being sick!  That is opposition.  When bad things happen, we survive and work through it, drawing on our faith and relying on God.  We count our blessings when things improve.  Here is my personal list of examples of how God's loving hand has helped me and my family in our lives.

Just recently, and this is what made me think of ALL the times we have been protected, my husband and I were out on the Oregon Sand Dunes, he was driving his Subaru Sand Car he's had for years.  The day was beautiful, sunny and warm, a light breeze was blowing.  There were other riders around and it was a Summertime weekday.  It was about 3 in the afternoon.  Our son came with us and he was riding a side by side we have, but he felt like it was running rough.  He said he was going back to the truck to fill the gas tank, maybe it was running rough because it was almost out of gas.  So while he went back to the truck, my husband and I took a ride up and over some of the bigger sand dunes and enjoyed what we call the Colosseum in the Wincester Bay Sand Dunes.  It is a big area, open with two large hills with a lower 'bowl' at the bottom.  We rode up and around and over the top, over and over again.  Then we moved to another big dune where my husband drove the sand car along the side at the top of the big sand hill.  We rode around a while and decided that our son should be done getting gas so we'd head back towards the truck.  As we left the big dunes and started on the sand trail back to the parking lot, we veered off to the side and my husband turned off the engine.  He said the steering gave out, completely no steering at all right there at that time.  NOT when we were up on the big dunes, where IF the steering went out up there, we could have been rolling down the big sand dunes in the sand car!  We called our son and asked him to look for anything in the truck that would work for a bolt for the steering column to connect to the front axle.  That is the part that just decided to blow out on the sand trail back.  Felt so awesome to have been so protected at that time!  Wow!
It made me think back at ALL the times we have been protected.

One Winter day while living in Las Vegas, my son and I attended the Las Vegas temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  We had a wonderful time visiting on the way to and from the temple and enjoyed our time inside the temple, enjoying our time for service there.  The trip to the temple from our house was about a 45 minute drive through freeway driving and some going through town.  We drove over and stopped at the Nutrition Club I worked my Herbalife business out of.  We went inside the club and enjoyed a shake and then my son went out to take the car and he was going to come back to pick me up later.  He got into the little red Scion we had just driven all over Las Vegas, and while pulling out of the parking spot, the front axle bolts on the right side drop to the ground!  Bolts everywhere and the car was immobilized right there!  This happened in the parking lot and NOT while turning a corner in town somewhere or worse, while on the freeway!  Felt so protected!

Another instance was my husband and I were out all day in our truck delivering RV's out to the Dumont Sand Dune area.  We were driving back to the RV park in Tacopa where we store them to spend the night there in one of our RV's.. it was late.  As he pulled into the RV park in the truck, it completely stops and will not start up again to park.. we were in the driveway inside the park where it stalled and stopped.  The drive from Dumont to Tacopa is dead cell zone area, no cell service.  No services at all for MILES!   For us to break down right there in the RV park.. what are the 'odds'?!!  We stayed the night in one of our RV's and in the morning, called for a tow truck.  We were blessed to NOT have to walk for miles to get cell service!  So protected!

One of our sons was in an almost head on collision in his Honda driving from Eugene to Florence one day.  He came around one of the corners and saw a car in his lane coming towards his car.  There was a hillside on his right side so he had nowhere to go!  The car was swerving to miss a DEER!  My son was able to get as close to the hillside as possible to avoid a head on collision!  So scary yet so protected - it could have been a fatal accident!

Another son went out riding his motorcycle by himself on the sand dunes one afternoon.  He loved to jump his bike and was getting really good at it.  He could get very high and land a jump with practically no fear.  He was jumping his bike and while in the air, the engine died.  His motorcycle came down like a rock and he came down as well.  There was a guy who witnessed this and he drove his quad to my son and found him.  My son was awake and the guy asked him some questions and asked him if he was ok, had him take his helmet off.  My son said he was ok, just shaken up and a little sore.  He didn't pass out, he didn't break anything, he had someone right there to help him.  So blessed.
Another time, same son went riding on a quad on the sand by himself and was driving very fast without checking out the area around him first.  He came upon a big ditch right in front of him and he had no time to react.  He slammed into a wall of sand.  A guy saw this, came over to my son and asked him if he was ok.  He was ok but was knocked out for a bit.  He hit that wall of sand so hard that he bent up the A arms of the quad pretty bad.  Our son used the guys cell phone to call us to come to the parking lot to pick him up where the guy was going to tow him to.  So blessed, could have been much worse!

Our Van had a flat tire one Summer while we were driving on vacation.  It was very HOT and we were in California on the I5.  Tire blew and we pulled over with 5 kids in the van and it was hot.  I kept them occupied and my husband looked for anything he could use for a jack.. we didn't have a proper jack to get the van up to change the tire.  Low and behold, just down the freeway about 200 yards away, same side as us, a motor home pulled over with a flat tire.  I walked down to them and asked them if we could borrow their jack after they were finished changing their tire!  So blessed!

While driving an old Oldsmobile car home one evening on a very rainy night, we were going around a slight corner and the front left tire completely turned sideways and our car came to a screeching halt right on the highway between Coos Bay and Coquille.  My husband was driving and my daughter and her friend were in the back seat, I was in the passenger sear.  My husband told us all to get out of the car quickly and get to the side of the road. We did!  And who should pull over to help us?   A TOW TRUCK was behind us and stopped to ask us if we needed help!  So protected and so blessed.

I feel very protected and thankful that my family is protected.  I know it is because we are striving to live a good life, to be guided by the spirit of the Lord and that we pay our tithing and accept assignments and fulfill our assignments to the best or our abilities.  We do all we can to stay on the path back to live with our Father in Heaven and I feel blessed and loved by Him daily.  These are some of my experiences.. I have more and may post more another day.  Life is a journey and I'm striving to do my best to follow God's plan for me.  I know He knows us and loves all of His children.


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Be Your Best Self: My 5 step process

How do we change and be our best self?!!  It is HARD to make changes that we know we need to make to help us progress and be happier and healthier!!  Human nature tells us we can be lazy, it doesn't matter, who cares and what difference does it make!?!  We are human and fight against all these feelings.  What if we make a small change and we recognize it though.  What if we decide to develop a talent and it becomes something we love to do and we start sharing it with others.  We've made a change that makes us happy and helps others to be happy!  That change was EASY!  That is a change that we loved doing.. it wasn't hard.  How do we make the hard changes needed to really improve and grow?  How do we make it fun and simple?

5 Steps to making changes to Be Your Best Self:
1) Be dissatisfied with where you are.
You have to be uncomfortable about what it is you want to change.  It could be your attitude, your habits, your health, your job.  Whatever it is that is so dis-satisfactory to you in your life that you are uncomfortable about it and it eats at you most of the time, then it's time to change that thing!  Being dissatisfied is the first step to change!
2) Identify your goals.
What do you want to do?  What do you want to be?  What do you want to have?  Identification is the next step to changing.  Identify what it is you WANT.  No filters.  What do you truly want to be, do and have in life?  Write it down, visualize it, make a dream board or bucket list.
3) Set the big goal..
see the end result, or at least the journey and process of becoming what and who you want to be.  First of all, we all have value and are worth more than rubies as it says in the scriptures.  God loves us for who we are and as long as we are following His plan and keeping His commandments, we are great!  But changing and improving are the things life is about.  Deciding what we want and who we can become to help others is part of this life's journey.  What could we accomplish if we try and do make the changes towards becoming better, becoming more!?  See the big picture, where do you want to be in 1, 3, 5 years from now? What will your life look like?
4) Set smaller, attainable goals that will push you towards the results you want.
There never really is an END to a goal and journey in life.  We can ALWAYS improve and learn and be and do more.  but the journey to becoming more is taken in small steps, small processes.  Set up those processes to become and get to where you want to be.  Break it down to daily tasks and routines that will propel you towards your goals.
5) Read and fill your mind with positive thoughts and articles and words and music.
You can fill your mind with all the positive energy it needs to believe that you will achieve.  Push away doubts, fears, nay sayers and depressing thoughts.  Fill your mind with good, positive and happy thoughts through your day.  

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Dealing with disappointments

So we all have disappointments in life, that's life.  Yes.  I accept that we are supposed to grow and learn and have experiences, but it doesn't make it fun or easy.  I get disappointed and wonder how I could've been better or made things turn out differently.  So, I think I need a list.. a list of what to do when I'm disappointed.  First of all, my family is the best.  I rarely am disappointed in them.  Each of my family members are individuals with goals and dreams of their own and that's good.  I am in no way wanting to manipulate or persuade any of my family members to do anything except follow their own righteous desires and dreams that are good for their lives.  I'm not really 'aiming' this post towards anyone.. I feel like I've been disappointed a few times in my life though and need reminded of what to DO when I feel like this.
1) Be Grateful.  I have been given so much.  Count my blessings, look at the good, focus on the positive and smile.  Even if it takes writing notes to myself to remind me of my blessings then I need to do that.  I keep a journal, a gratitude journal, and I try to write in it frequently.  It's about due for another entry!
2) Serve.  When I focus on others needs, my own needs become less important.  Serving gives me a sense of taking care of someone else and that feels great!  When I put others needs before my own, my own disappointments and problems seem insignificant, or at least lessened.
3) Smile.  Says it all.  I remind myself to smile often.  I look better when I smile!
4) Listen to uplifting music or talks. Putting positive 'things' in my mind fills it with good, happy thoughts and messages instead of the disappointments I may be feeling.  Play a video that is happy and listen to light, happy and inspiring music.
5) Focus on my talents.  Work on a project.  I love to create and make things newer and more lovely.  When I work on a hobby or talent, I feel great and accomplished and my disappointments are pushed away to the background and my talents and hobbies, things I love to do, are pushed to the forefront!  When I play the piano, I always am uplifted and in a better mood.  Singing makes me smile and be happy too.  A song is like a prayer of the heart spoken up to heaven.  Uplifting to my soul.
6) Give.   When I give of my time, talents, energy and love I feel good inside and it shows on the outside as well.  
7) Work.  Work hard and smart.  Get things done.  When I get things organized and manageable, I feel accomplished instead of disappointed.  Work my plan, set goals and plan to work.
8) Talk with a close family member.  When I talk to one of my kids on facetime or on the phone, I always feel better and do not focus on any of the disappointing things that may have happened that day.  I love my family and I have many family members to talk to.  I feel their love when we talk and share our day and lives with each other.
9) Read scriptures or good, uplifting inspirational books.  I can learn from the experiences of others when I read books that have stories of triumph and victory.  In good books I can find victory for good, triumph in overcoming obstacles to live a better life.  Reading books and listening to audio books helps me to learn how to deal with disappointments with dignity.
10) Love others for who they are.  I should never want to take away anyone's choice and force them to see things my way.  Everyone has the right to choose the way they want to live and it is my 'job' in life to not want to or have the desire to force others to see everything my way.  Love others no matter what they decide to do in their life.  This does not mean I should hang out with or spend time with people who are not on the same path as I am on as far as my goals are concerned, but that I can and should love others no matter what choices they make.  We can find common ground and enjoy our differences, or move on and make friends who are like minded and help us to grow and reach our goals.
11) Spend time with my husband.  My husband is the love of my life.  I look up to him, admire him, respect him and cherish our time together.  I always enjoy his company.  We have a good marriage and have raised 5 wonderful kids who we have a good relationship with as they are growing into adults.  I love to take walks, watch movies, go on drives, work side by side, and do lots of things with my husband.  He helps me feel happy and loved.  We are companions and I am so blessed to have him and he is blessed to have me.
12) Remember that Jesus Christ loves me and I am of great worth.  I am a daughter of God, a woman with a divine destiny and I strive to fulfill that calling of daughter, sister, wife, and mother to the best of my ability.  I cannot do anything alone.  I need my Heavenly Father and His love and guidance.  I know that God sent His Son Jesus Christ to this earth to be an example, to live and to give His life for all of mankind, for me.  He paid for all of my sins and took upon himself my heartaches and worries.  I must trust that God has a plan for me and that through His Son I can be made perfect someday and join with them and my family in an Eternal Life, if I strive to live according to His laws and love.

I have a lovely life, but I do experience disappointments now and then.  It is a human experience and I'm learning to deal and grow and move on.  I should never expect to never be disappointed in my life.  I am one, only one, woman, but I am one and I can be a positive influence for good to those who love me and want to be with me.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

My health journey

I'll be totally honest.  I'm excited to keep getting older.  Yep.  I look forward to my future and I know I HAVE a future!  I love living each day and enjoying the world around me.  I love my husband and that we get to work together and set goals and work towards our dreams together.  I love my life.  It is a life we have created by design.  I'm so proud of Kelly, my husband, for all his hard work in supporting his family AND creating a life we enjoy together.  We've always had common interests and goals and do things together.  I'm so grateful for that!  
When we decided to work towards having better health together, it was key and important that we do it together, help each other and work towards goals together.  We are not perfect, we cheat and enjoy 'bad' things sometimes, but we stick with a plan that we know keeps us active and healthy and gives us great nutrition as we age.  I don't feel like slowing down as I age and so far I haven't had to.  I'm over 50 years old and I keep a schedule that is active.  I swim, walk, dance, work out and just keep going through my day with the energy I need to accomplish my tasks, work and play.  
Before we decided to work on our health through nutrition, we were both facing some unhealthy issues and we were on a path that would lead to medication and feeling like crap.  I was borderline diabetic, my triglycerides were too high, my cholesterol was creeping up too high and my blood pressure was rising.  My doctor told me to cut sugars and lose weight. I felt frumpy and my clothes were fitting way too tight.  I was in a size 14 jeans and really needed to go to a size 16, but I wouldn't have it!  Kelly was not sleeping well at night at all, he has sleep apnia and it was getting really bad.  He'd fall asleep at the drop of a hat and had NO energy during the day.  His weight was getting dangerously high, he was tipping the scales at almost 350 pounds.  Not feeling good at all.  
Once we started our nutrition plan, things started to change for both of us.  As I lost weight, I felt so much better!  I felt better in my clothes, and the pounds just came off as I stuck to the nutrition plan day after day, week after week.  I loved the plan because I could still enjoy foods I liked - pizza, ice cream, cheeseburgers, an occasional brownie even.  I had more energy and when I went in  for my annual blood work up my Doctor asked what I had been doing!  I had lost 25 pounds and my blood panel was so improved they were NOT worried about me having to take diabetic meds any longer.  My blood pressure was so good, the Dr. said I have the blood pressure of a teenager!  Wow did that feel good!  
Kelly's weight came off as well.  He lost 52 pounds in 12 weeks on our plan!  Typically a person will lose between a 1/2 pound and 1 pound a week, so his results were not typical , but it is possible!  He did it!  I had lost 15 pounds in 12 weeks my first 12 weeks of the program.  I went on to lose 32 pounds and Kelly, over 120 pounds.  We felt GREAT!  We had more energy and started riding bikes, going on hikes and enjoying riding in the sand dunes and even tubing and water skiing again.  We loved our new size!  Talk about a spark for our marriage.  We've been married now for over 35 years and we were excited about the new people we had become physically.  
We've kept most of our weight off and we've definitely kept up our energy and lifestyle.  I am so grateful for the way we feel and the way we live as we are getting older.  MANY people have told me I do not look my age.  Feels so great!  
I am looking for people to help - people who are struggling with their weight and want a nutrition plan they can live with and not feel deprived day after day. I'm also looking for people who are wanting a way out of the 'hamster wheel" of life in the business world.  If you would like to learn how to create financial freedom, this is also a business opportunity for you to start sharing with your circle of influence and anyone around you - everyone you talk to is someone you can potentially help!  I talk to people all the time and am building my team of people to help.  I am a health and wellness coach for my nutrition company and I help others do what I have done.  I can help YOU if you are reading this and need a way to feel better, look better, age gracefully and have better health.  I'm NOT claiming that I have the cure, or treatment or can diagnose or prevent diseases, but when we give our bodies GREAT nutrition, tools it needs to be healthy, it CAN do amazing things!  See where YOU could go with your nutrition plan.  Contact me about YOUR plan and I will help you all along the way.  
I am passionate about helping others and I will be your advocate and coach for life.  If you are willing, we will build a relationship and I will show you how to get healthy, stay healthy.  I will also help YOU to build a team of people around you to help, if you would like to create a business around the things you love to do.  All it takes is an invitation for your friends and family to take a look, try it out and get results.  We will work together to build a dream that is both yours and mine.  Team work makes the dream work.  
If you are looking for healthy nutrition for a better life and/or an opportunity to build a wall of financial freedom around your family, I can get you started now.  Years will go by anyway, how about working towards something that could turn into something great!  My company's marketing plan is the #1 best in the nutritional world.  I will share it with serious minded people who ask.  
I love feeling the way I do and when I hear of people who struggle with their weight, their health and with problems that come with aging, my heart goes out to them!  But I cannot force my plan on anyone..  we all make choices.  I hope to help YOU with your choices for great nutrition for your best life in all aspects of life.  This business is FUN and lucrative and so rewarding.  I hope you'll join us!  
If you are reading this and want to know more, please contact me at OR for fastest response, text me at 702-332-7079  I help clients all over the US so no worries that you don't live near me.  With technology today, we have so many ways to stay in touch!  
Happy and Healthy Day to YOU!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Happy Life List ~ 10 points to happiness

My list for a Happy Life: 
1) Come to a realization of who you are, how special you are and how much worth you really have.  Everyone is unique and special and has different ideas and energy to bring to others.  Fill your mind with good thoughts of who you are, where you come from and where you are going.  Hold on to your faith and seek out truth, light and knowledge.  If you believe in God, Pray for His guidance and ask Him to help you know your journey and path.  
2) Read uplifting books and materials.  Fill your mind with good, positive energy through books, audio books, seminars or positive conversations with friends and family.  You can't have positive thoughts if you have nothing positive in your mind.  By deliberately placing in your mind positive materials, you'll be able to draw upon those phrases and words when you need them.  Read the scriptures, inspirational talks, personal development books by uplifting authors and listen to good music with good lyrics to uplift your soul daily.  
3) Spend time talking to friends and family, in person and/or on the phone.  There's something that means more than sending and receiving text messages from family and friends.  A phone conversation brings people closer, more connected.  Why is it so difficult for all of us to answer the phone or to call someone?  Technology is so quick and easy, but actually talking to a friend or family member will strengthen your relationship more than only sending social media messages back and forth.  I love technology and love to Facetime my family and close friends.  I enjoy an in person visit.  I love to talk to loved ones on the phone.  I do enjoy the occasional snapchat or text message filled with emoti-cons back and forth.  Seeing my family post to Facebook and Instragram is awesome!  But we all could stand to use the phone or visit in person more often.  
4) Choose a hobby you love to do and spend time doing it at least weekly.  I have many hobbies and I am really happy when I make the time to DO those hobbies!  I love to play the piano, craft, make jewelry for family and friends, do decorative painting or paint and refinish furniture, sing, play the flute, dance, ride a bike, walk, swim, waterski, and bake.  Make time to do something you love to do just because every week, even a little bit every day!  YOU are worth the time to do what you love, it will help you feel rejuvenated and happy. 
5) Take time to enjoy nature.  We live in a beautiful world full of so many great places to see.  Weather you live in the desert, the mountains, the coast or the plains, there is always something to enjoy.  I love the bring my camera and snap photos of places I see that I enjoy.  I live on the Oregon Coast so walking or hiking in beautiful places is very enjoyable.  I love to visit the Beach and look for treasures and enjoy nature.  God has given us so much to enjoy!
6) Spend time learning and improving yourself.  Learn something new.  Learn a new process for doing something mundane.  Make things fun, enjoyable.  Have the "I Get To" attitude, instead of the "I Have To" attitude.  We "get to" do so many things.  There are so many opportunities around us for improvement and for good.  We CAN improve our circumstances by learning new skills and learning new processes and doing things better and better every single day.  Progress is progress, small or big, progress is progress.  Make progress towards learning every day.. It will give you a sense of accomplishment enjoyed by those who dream and make things better for themselves in all aspects of life. 
7)  Exercise:  Move. Lift. Swim. Walk. Run. Dance. Ride a Bike. If you're only 'activity' is playing video games, that is a sedentary life.  Get moving and get into action.  You will improve your mood, your circulation, your heart health, your joint health, your whole physical body will improve overall.  If you hurt when you exercise, examine how you are performing your activity.  Choose an activity that you CAN do and you enjoy.  Exercise will prolong your life and give you more energy!  
8) Eat a nutritious variety of foods in the correct amounts.  Have a plan for your nutrition for your physical well being.  Avoid fast food and high fatty, sugary foods.  Your heart health depends on a diet high in nutrients like protein, vitamins, minerals, healthy, natural supplements and whole foods.  We do not get enough protein in our American diet as a whole.  Choose healthy proteins that are both animal and plant protein.  Choose whole fruits and vegetables, cooked at home or raw.  Choose drinks that are healthy for you.  Don't "drink your calories".  Many fruit juices and drinks we buy in the stores are full of sugar and calories and just not healthy for our bodies. We feel sluggish and tired when we consume too much sugar and high fatty foods.  Find a nutrition plan you can live with and be consistent with it!  You'll experience weight loss and better health.  Over 60% of men in America are considered overweight or obese!  Let's get healthier together!  80% of your weight loss goals are a result of what you eat!  
9) Sleep.  You need sleep for overall good health.  We don't sleep enough.  Early to bed and early to rise really is a great health and happiness tip.  Just like a child who is cranky when they don't have a full nights rest or don't have a nap, we can be very cranky and moody when we don't get enough sleep.  If you are on a weight loss program, getting enough rest/sleep is crucial.  Our bodies need time to repair and recuperate after being active for the whole day.  A good number is 8-10  hours for adults, depending on how active you are during the day.  The more active you are, the more sleep you need.  Repair what has been worn out, torn down and depleted because of our workout schedule. 
10) Love.  Give your love to your loved ones.  Serve others.  Help those who are in need of help.  Give to a charity or organization.  Be available to your friends and family for service.  When you see a need, don't ask if you can help, just help.  Pray for others who need help.  We cannot do everything, but the something we CAN do will make a difference for those we love and serve.  Give time to your church or favorite organization in service.  When you serve others, you are able to lose yourself.  We aren't so focused on ourselves and our problems when we are serving others.  This brings a feeling of peach and charity and is a great feeling!  Love unconditionally.  Don't expect a reciprocation of your service, just do it for the person you are serving without expectations of anything in return.  We can love everyone without putting our stamp of approval for the way others choose to live their lives.  We are all different and we all choose our way.  We can love everyone without accepting everything everyone does as what we will do ourselves.  Show love and respect no matter what.  

This is my list of 10 things for happiness in this life.  I'm sure there are more 'things' to add that would make us happy.. True happiness is found not in material possessions or trips or toys.  True happiness is found in the impact we give and leave with our family and friends.  It is found in the simple, human daily acts we perform daily in secret where the whole world does not see.  In this day and age of social media and everyone calling "Look what I'm doing!" let's seek for the kind of happiness that is quiet and loving and simple.  Serve others.  Give love and I hope this helps someone.   We may feel like we need to change to be happy.  First, be happy where you are at, be grateful for what you do have and then move forward..make little changes that you CAN make every day and they will add up to big changes over a lifetime.  The challenge is happiness.  If you are seeking happiness and feel like you aren't happy, what should you seek to change?  I believe that we can be happy no matter what our circumstances are.  If we don't like our circumstances, change them.  YOU have the POWER to CHANGE!  We are human beings with intelligence and we CAN become what we want to become.  Choose a path, look to those who have accomplished what you want and pattern your life after them.  Choose a mentor, someone you love and respect and look up to and work toward learning what they did to have what you want to have, weather it is something spiritual or physical.  We are here on this earth to seek every good thing.  Everyone deserves to be happy and to find a joyful way in life.  Leave a comment if you have anything to add.  

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Have you found an Opportunity for financial freedom?

I feel like writing stuff down today.  I tried to do the 365 days of blogging and that didn't work out.  Life gets busy and I'm not always able to.. I DO post on social media DAILY and sometimes many times a day!  I accept friend requests because I do like making new friends and being able to help those who reach out to get healthier in their every day habits.  I'm not perfect, as you could tell by my not being able to commit and DO 365 days of blogging.  :)  BUT, I do try and I am happy to help my customers, friends, clients and family that want my help.  I know not everyone is going to want to enjoy the same Nutrition Plan as I do, but I will keep going and looking for and inviting others and find those who want to join me.  I do not share and help for myself.  My motives are not selfish.  I want to give the opportunity of better nutrition, health AND wealth to others through my business opportunity that I have chosen.  It isn't for everyone.  It isn't easy.  It takes a strong will, mind and heart to keep going in a business that many do not understand.  I have been using Herbalife too long to every quit.  I have been to too many work, business training meetings to ever quit.  I see what is possible and I try to show that to others who will take the time to understand.
I ask this question - Have you found the opportunity that will set you on the path of financial freedom?  Are you looking for that opportunity?   If you start to look, please ask me to show you this Herbalife business opportunity.  It may be for you.  If I could show you the Herbalife business opportunity, will you take a look?  I am looking for coaches, others who want to help others to become healthier, have more energy and have better, improved health through this awesome nutrition company called Herbalife.  I have reached, pretty much, the limit of what I am capable of doing alone.  I do make extra money part time and it's AWESOME!  I love getting a check in the mail every month for introducing my friends to Herbalife.  I am rewarded every time my friends consume this very healthy nutrition program.  The marketing plan is the best, it is.  Allow me to show it to you and you will decide for yourself.
I have this passion in my gut and in my head to keep going, to keep inviting, to keep sharing until... until I find a handful of coaches who have this same passion for sharing and it duplicates and grows into a huge team of people who are helping others in their communities across the continent and maybe someday, across the world, to get healthy and stay healthy through the great Herbalife nutrition program.
I am only one.  But I am one.  I can make a difference in others' lives and I can help others to learn how to make a difference in their friend's lives, and so on.  I work my Herbalife business part time around my family and around our other business that supports us.  I can make a difference.  I am trying to make a difference.  I invite and I have to accept a yes or a no.  I will keep going and strive to inspire and progress and be better and better.  I want things to keep improving and to keep getting better and as I improve myself, I know they will.  I have witnessed other people who are sharing Herbalife with their friends become very successful and create a large organization of team members who all have the same mission.  The mission is to bring Herbalife nutrition to every household across the globe, that is the mission I am a part of.  I am looking for people to join me and be part of my organization and build something fantastic for themselves and their families.
Why Herbalife?  So many stories of recover, healthy, healing, energy, weight loss, weight gain, better results in the gym, all the spectrum of what nutrition can do for our bodies.  We can not get all the nutrition we need by eating whole foods.  We can't. Herbalife supports a healthy diet and exercise program for us to live a healthy, active lifestyle.
Promote yourself and join me.  Find out what Herbalife could do for you!  Try it out for three days and see how you feel!  I don't know who, if anyone, will read this.  I need to say it though.  You CAN create the lifestyle of your dreams if you decide to learn a few methods and share and teach others to do the same.  You can change your circumstances, but YOU have to be willing to work and learn and grow and step outside of your comfort zone and use the Herbalife products, wear the button or brand and talk to people.  Easy as that.  I also have a system to help others learn how to get a customer and keep a customer.  Do people quit?  sure they do.  We all have choices.  When it gets hard, some people quit.  I am not one of those people and I'm looking for people like me who will not quit.  I work my business in the parts of my day that I can.  I have a happy life.  I try to be a happy person and do things I enjoy and I work with my husband in our business that pays the bills.  I want to build my Herbalife business so that we do not HAVE to work so hard all the time!  Wouldn't that be nice!  I do like to work, don't get me wrong.. it is sometimes what keeps us happy and healthy.  But not 'worrying' about money and going and doing and helping others would be really awesome.
Herbalife can provide a freedom that not many other businesses or occupations provide.
That's all for today.. more later I hope to keep blogging.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Here's a quote from a respected women's leader and motivational speaker for today:
"we can hope not just for a better world somewhere out in the great beyond, but for a better world here and now.  We can have hope for our lives and our family's lives.  We can have hope that we definitely can endure and do what we have been called upon to do here... to think o others more than ourselves.  ...Faith, hope and charity are simply and fundamentally crucial to our conversion and to our eventual exaltation"  Sheri Dew

"You can trust the Lord.  You can faithfully endure to the end.  God has given you the power to do so.  He won't give you commandments you can't keep.  You must be positive even though life may be difficult"   Roger McKenzie from the book How Awesome will it be?

Monday, March 30, 2015

Family and church

I met with my brother last night, brought him dinner in his time share hotel that he is letting my husband and I stay in for a few days!  We had a wonderful visit, caught up and chatted a lot about family, business and life.  He's my older brother and I've always looked up to him.  He is generous, smart, hard working, faithful and kind.  I could go on.  We were close as teenagers and remain close and enjoy getting together when we can.  We've been able to see each other more this past Winter.. we live closer to him in the Wintertime.   He always has a smile and cares so much for his family, not only his wife and children, grandchild, but his sisters and parents and extended family as well.

Sunday, the day I missed blogging, (shame on me huh!  I can't let it get me down or stop me, I cannot change what happened yesterday, only move on to doing better!) I went to church with my husband and enjoyed being in my sacrament meeting.  I was sitting there listening to the prelude music and it was time for the meeting to start.  One of the young men came to the row behind us and I thought it was odd because his family was sitting in front of us..  he tapped me on my shoulder and asked if I would come up and lead the opening song.  There was no director yet.  Our music chorister is pregnant and due anytime now.  She's a first time mom and so sweet and leads the music every Sunday.  So I said "sure"  I jumped up and turned to the page in the book to the song we were singing and led the opening song.  As the song began, our chorister came up front and was there just a tad late.. she led the rest of the songs for the meeting.  I was happy to be able to serve and fill in when there is a need.  I am comfortable leading music in either a congregation or a choir.   I love doing it.

Today, Monday, my husband and I have been able to work at a time share that my brother said we could use for a few days until he and his wife and daughter can come and enjoy some time away.  He had to work for a couple days and they had to use the time share, so he was so generous and didn't want the place "to go empty".  I plan on going swimming tomorrow afternoon!  Kelly (my husband) and I have enjoyed working here and chilling and enjoying the beautiful resort room.

Until tomorrow.  Lessons learned:  Serve when needed.  Love your family.  Do things together as a married couple to kindle your relationship.  Relax now and then.  Slow down and enjoy some time together.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

10 Lessons learned from a Navy Seal Admiral

Herbalife Success Training Seminar and what a great training!  I love what I get to do and be exposed to for my business and for my life.  Positive, like minded people who are helping others, like I am, with their health and teaching the Herbalife business opportunity to others.  We CAN control our lives and our opportunities.  We CAN work hard, work smart and teach to teach.  I was a presenter and spoke about how to "Package Your Story" to help us members get the most out of our conversations with friends, family and anyone within 10 feet of us anywhere.  Felt great and I am less and less nervous each time I do a presentation.  
We listened to a video at the end of the training that I'd like to share the highlights from.  This was a speech from Admiral William McRaven at a University commencement speech.    He said that if we change just 10 people for the better, and they change 10 others, and they change 10 others, it duplicates and duplicates and one person could really change the world!  10 Lessons learned in Navy Seal Training, by Admiral William McRaven: 
  1. "Make your bed every day.. it's the simple disciplines that lead to more and more disciplines that create a lifetime of great habits.  And, if you've had a bad day, at least you come home to a made bed. 
  2. Synchronize your team to paddle all together - if we want to change the world, we need help from others, lots of others and to work together.   
  3. We are all equal - measure a person by the size of their heart. 
  4. You're just not going to have all great days - keep moving forward.  
  5. If they didn't quite measure up with their performance, they had to do 2 extra hours of calisthenics.  It was hard, but it made them stronger over time.  Don't get discouraged, the struggles make you stronger.
  6. Climbing the tower no one ever broke the record made.. because everyone performed at the same level, did the same things.  One person who broke the record slid down head first!  Very dangerous, but he stepped outside his comfort zone and broke the record and taught others a new way. 
  7. There are sharks out there.  There are sharks that circle your position and want to take you out.  When you see the sharks you have to punch them hard in the snout and they will leave you alone.  If you want to change the world, don't back down from the sharks that want to take you out. 
  8. One of the drills was to swim with scuba gear under the ship to the Keel, or the middle of the boat underwater.   When the ship shades the sunlight and streetlights, it's very dark under the water and you can get disoriented.  Be calm, composed and find your inner strength.  You must be your best in the darkest moments. 
  9. They went through Hell week.  Tremendous pressure to quit.  One of the seals in one of the drills that was extremely hard started singing by himself to forget the cold and the elements to be endured for 8 more hours.  Other started singing with him.  They were all able to endure the cold together - the singing gave them hope.  One person gave them all hope and they were stronger together because of one person's hope.  Sing when you're up to your neck in mud.  
  10. There was a bell in a bell tower that if any of the seals wanted to quit, they could ring the bell and it would all be over, they were done, they could quit.  Don't Ever, Ever, Ever, Ever ring the bell.  Life is not fair, you will feel often that is isn't fair.  If you never ever quit, you can change the world." 

We applied all of these steps to our lives, to our business and to our relationships.  We can change the world by helping and lifting and being a positive influence for good to others.  I love this business that teaches me to be a better person and to show others what is possible for them.  We can do and go anywhere we want in life and I'm grateful to have the Herbalife opportunity to take me where I want to go.. to help me become the business woman I want to become.  

Friday, March 27, 2015

Working with my hubby

Kelly and I got up early this morning, 6:30am like I have a goal to do, and we got ready and were out the door by 8:00.  We went to Tacopa, CA where we store our trailers and picked them up one at a time and delivered the RV camp trailers to our customers out at the Dumont Sand Dune area in Southern California.  Kelly started our RV rental business in 2007.  We've been renting RV's on the Oregon Coast for 7 years now and this past Winter, we expanded, brought three RV's down and rented them out to customers at Dumont this past Winter.  It's been very successful and the people we delivered to today were a word of mouth referral from a customer in January.  That's really how our RV business has expanded, word of mouth and getting to know the right people.  Kelly added a little add on the Dumont Dune Riders website and he has an add on the Buggy Freaks website for Oregon.  Our business comes in the google search easily now as well.  Kelly's been busy with fulfilling contracts for Summer months and he's pretty much almost completely booked for July.  The man we rented to today wants us to reserve him a trailer for Halloween in Oct for Dumont.. yep, that's how far in advance we need to get reservations for.  Anyway, the drive is pleasant.. it was warm today.  Dumont was 83 at 10:00am.  Going to be a warm weekend out there.  Kelly and I visit, listen to music and listen to books on CD and enjoy each other's company on the drives.  The people we rent to are usually very nice. is his website.  Kelly takes pride in giving the best customer service experience possible.  We are helping people with their family vacations and we are there to help them have absolutely the best trailer rental experience possible.   We will be crazy busy come Summer on the Oregon Coast!  We'll be bringing more trailers down to So Cal next Winter.. it's been well worth bringing the three trailers down here this season.  
Happy Camping everyone!  If you need a trailer to rent on the Oregon Coast for Summer between Coos Bay and Florence, see our website and contact us!  

Thursday, March 26, 2015

You can do anything... if you...

I have to write.  I have to write down what's going on or I'll explode.  I don't know if anyone will read this, and that part really isn't important because writing for me is like therapy.. getting thoughts and feelings out there instead of pent up inside and me not knowing what to do with them.
I am a strong person.  I am 53 years old and I have raised 5 kids, 2 of those children came to me at one time.  I survived and thrived.  I LOVE my children and the memories I have of raising them.  I was probably more of a pushover than I should have been, but all in all, they all turned out great.  My husband helped raise our family - he was very involved with decisions and the direction our parenting went.  He knew a lot and I don't even know where he learned it from.  He is a valiant son of God, striving to keep the commandments.
But this isn't really what I want to write about today.
I think I'm going to take the 365 blog challenge.. blog every day for a YEAR!  Why?  I don't really know.. because I want to see if I can set a huge goal and accomplish it.  I have done many things in my life and I find myself now wanting to improve and learn and stretch myself to do more.  I want to help others, be a positive influence for good, stay close to my family, children and grandchildren and love and help my brother and sisters all I can.  I have held many responsible church callings in my life and have learned a lot about leadership and delegating and getting things done.  In fact, my activity in my church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Later-Day Saints has helped me become more than I would be if I wasn't active or attending.   My religion and what I believe is a whole nother blog post though,
I was thinkking while I drove home this morning after taking my 24 year old son to his workplace (my car is in the shop and that's a whole nother blog post!) and I thought of that famous saying "You can do anything if you put your mind to it".  I do not know who to credit that quote to, but I was thinking about it and when I heard it as a teen, I thought that if you 'thought' hard enough, you could accomplish your goals, do anything you wanted to do.  Well, that doesn't work.  You can't just think hard about something and accomplish a goal, any goal.  What I've learned over the past few years, is that when you want something bad enough and you change your thinking and believe that anything is possible, with the right kind of work behind it, you CAN do anything.  But it takes work!  It takes a process.  It takes learning what works for you and then doing that process and not just setting a goal and sitting there thinking hard about it and hoping it will come to pass.  Often we cannot change circumstances around us.  We can't change the weather. We can't change the 'economy'.  We can't change other people's choices.  We can't change people to do what we think they should do. We can't control actions of others that affect our lives.  What we CAN do is change the way we look at our circumstances.  We can change the way we think, feel, and act.  We can choose to have a good attitude.  We can choose to work hard on ourselves to improve so we can reach our goals for ourselves.  We can become the best person we can be, with hard work and good ethics.
You can do anything if you put your mind to it is true... but it takes action..  Your mind comes up with an action plan and you work that plan over and over and over again until you see the results you want.  If you don't like the results you are getting, make adjustments, look at yourself and work on being your best.  These are all directed towards ME by the way.  Replace the 'we' with 'I' and it's all for me.  I need to change and work and grow for my dreams and vision and goals to come to pass.  
I have a goal to get up earlier in the morning and listen to uplifting personal development talks or read good books for 15 minutes every morning.   I know this will start my day on a positive note and get me off thinking the right way about me, my life, my circumstances, and my relationships.
So, I am declaring that I'm getting out of bed, that's out of bed and not looking at facebook on my phone, which is what usually happens for about 20 minutes before I get out of bed, at exactly 6:30am from now on.  I'm doing it.  I've written it so I'm doing it.    I'll do Personal Development for 15 minutes and after I've mastered this new habit, I'll add another activity to my morning routine, and so on for my day.  I need to develop structure and good habits for my business, social, intellectual and spiritual growth.
Ok.. First blog of 365 started.  I'll try to post photos to go with the posts.

Monday, March 16, 2015

My Dad and Mom

I absolutely love my parents. I am so blessed they raised me and love me. My Dad is recovering from a heart attack that happened last night. So sudden and unexpected.  Life is so fragile. We are so blessed. My Mom rushed my Dad to the hospital and he got there in time.  They worked on him and he's going to be all right and we are all grateful for this time we still have with him. I was with my oldest son, his wife and my husband when my brother told me what happened over the phone. Shock and relief to hear he is pulling through. I didn't cry and I don't think it sunk completely in until tonight, 24 hours later. I need to drive down South and visit Mom and Dad soon.  Soon.  My husband and I live in Las Vegas in  winter time and we're getting ready to return to the Oregon Coast for Summer and our busy season.  I want to see Mom and Dad before we leave the South for Summer.  They are wonderful parents and wonderful people.  I'm thankful Heavenly Father allowed my Dad to be ok. That we have him here with us for a longer time. Live each day with the people you love and the things you love to do to help others have a happy life. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Things I've made

I love to sew and this is a tote I made from a quilted fabric yard.  I used bias tape to bind the unfinished edges so it is reversible!  Used a vintage button for the clasp.  I love this bag.. It was a gift to my daughter with small children, great for toting kids stuff and her stuff too.  

I grabbed a boot cuff pattern I Love off of Pinterest and here are the results: they are both the same, you can use both sides for a different affect.  Pretty and soft and warm for Winter.  I gave these away to daughter in laws for Christmas.. they make up pretty fast.  

Some of my hats I've crocheted.  I don't use a pattern, I like to create as I go and use different weighted yarns.  I will be selling these if anyone is interested.  :)  Fun

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Beaded bracelet DIY

Love to bead!  I took my boxes and containers of beads out this afternoon and enjoyed the break doing my fav craft!  Taking a break is AWESOME and I love making things for myself and giving hand made gifts to my friends and family.  This is a long string, strung around three times and a button is the clasp.  I love this button!  and I only had one so it's perfect for a beaded bracelet clasp!    Have a happy day!  

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Dance FIT activity

Getting ready to lead Dance FIT class at my Nutrition Club!  Dance, Sweat, Move, Smile!  It's a blast and I love my freedom to live my best life. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Working out, with nutrition

Working out and feeling my fitness level improve!  Yesterday I worked on my Zumba dance at home. I'm working on another new song for my class of women I lead Zumba for at my church. So fun!  Then I went to my nutrition club to work. My friend called me and asked if I'd like to go to her spin class at Las Vegas Athletic Club so I said sure!  What a class!  Talk about sweat and hard work!  It totally rocked!  Then I did my bootcamp workout back at my nutrition club where I kicked bootie, and right after that, a Kettle Bell class!  I don't recommend this those of regimen daily!  Wow!  I have my Herbalife shakes, chicken and cheese, LiftOff, NRG, and rebuild shake to get me through it all, and of course, my healthy tablets too.  And lots of water.  I feel tired this morning, but amazing. I'm teaching the Zumba class in an hour so up and atom - having my shake, tabs, NRG....doing it all for me to get ready and stay ready for anything!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Why it's not just about being 'fat'

National Institutes of Health has this to say about the matter:  

What Are the Health Risks of Overweight and Obesity?

"Being overweight or obese isn't a cosmetic problem. These conditions greatly raise your risk for other health problems.

Overweight and Obesity-Related Health Problems in Adults

Coronary Heart Disease

As your body mass index rises, so does your risk for coronary heart disease (CHD). CHD is a condition in which a waxy substance called plaque (plak) builds up inside the coronary arteries. These arteries supply oxygen-rich blood to your heart.
Plaque can narrow or block the coronary arteries and reduce blood flow to the heart muscle. This can cause angina (an-JI-nuh or AN-juh-nuh) or a heart attack. (Angina is chest pain or discomfort.)
Obesity also can lead to heart failure. This is a serious condition in which your heart can't pump enough blood to meet your body's needs.

High Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood. If this pressure rises and stays high over time, it can damage the body in many ways.
Your chances of having high blood pressure are greater if you're overweight or obese.


Being overweight or obese can lead to a buildup of plaque in your arteries. Eventually, an area of plaque can rupture, causing a blood clot to form.
If the clot is close to your brain, it can block the flow of blood and oxygen to your brain and cause a stroke. The risk of having a stroke rises as BMI increases.

Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease in which the body's blood glucose, or blood sugar, level is too high. Normally, the body breaks down food into glucose and then carries it to cells throughout the body. The cells use a hormone called insulin to turn the glucose into energy.
In type 2 diabetes, the body's cells don't use insulin properly. At first, the body reacts by making more insulin. Over time, however, the body can't make enough insulin to control its blood sugar level.
Diabetes is a leading cause of early death, CHD, stroke, kidney disease, and blindness. Most people who have type 2 diabetes are overweight.

Abnormal Blood Fats

If you're overweight or obese, you're at increased risk of having abnormal levels of blood fats. These include high levels of triglycerides and LDL ("bad") cholesterol and low levels of HDL ("good") cholesterol.
Abnormal levels of these blood fats are a risk factor for CHD. For more information about triglycerides and LDL and HDL cholesterol, go to the Health Topics High Blood Cholesterolarticle.

Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is the name for a group of risk factors that raises your risk for heart disease and other health problems, such as diabetes and stroke.
You can develop any one of these risk factors by itself, but they tend to occur together. A diagnosis of metabolic syndrome is made if you have at least three of the following risk factors:
  • A large waistline. This is called abdominal obesity or "having an apple shape." Having extra fat in the waist area is a greater risk factor for CHD than having extra fat in other parts of the body, such as on the hips.
  • A higher than normal triglyceride level (or you're on medicine to treat high triglycerides).
  • A lower than normal HDL cholesterol level (or you're on medicine to treat low HDL cholesterol).
  • Higher than normal blood pressure (or you're on medicine to treat high blood pressure).
  • Higher than normal fasting blood sugar (or you're on medicine to treat diabetes).


Being overweight or obese raises your risk for colon, breast, endometrial, and gallbladder cancers.


Osteoarthritis is a common joint problem of the knees, hips, and lower back. The condition occurs if the tissue that protects the joints wears away. Extra weight can put more pressure and wear on joints, causing pain.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a common disorder in which you have one or more pauses in breathing or shallow breaths while you sleep.
A person who has sleep apnea may have more fat stored around the neck. This can narrow the airway, making it hard to breathe.

Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome

Obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) is a breathing disorder that affects some obese people. In OHS, poor breathing results in too much carbon dioxide (hypoventilation) and too little oxygen in the blood (hypoxemia).
OHS can lead to serious health problems and may even cause death.

Reproductive Problems

Obesity can cause menstrual issues and infertility in women.


Gallstones are hard pieces of stone-like material that form in the gallbladder. They're mostly made of cholesterol. Gallstones can cause stomach or back pain.
People who are overweight or obese are at increased risk of having gallstones. Also, being overweight may result in an enlarged gallbladder that doesn't work well.

Overweight and Obesity-Related Health Problems in Children and Teens

Overweight and obesity also increase the health risks for children and teens. Type 2 diabetes once was rare in American children, but an increasing number of children are developing the disease.
Also, overweight children are more likely to become overweight or obese as adults, with the same disease risks."

It is my passion to help people get healthier and be able to battle obesity for a healthier life!  I use a proven program that has given many, many clients results for 35 years.  If you are concerned about your weight, your health and want to increase your odds at living a long, happy life, please contact me.  You can find my information.  Do get in touch and I'll get you started on your healthy results.  The affects of being overweight are sad and alarming and can be prevented by learning the steps to take to get the unhealthy weight off.  You are not alone.  I am a wellness coach and will work with you as long as you are willing to put forth the work for yourself.  It will be work, but it will be worth it!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Women, you are all Beautiful!

Believe it and you will be even more beautiful.  What is the definition of beauty?  You get to choose, you choose what is beautiful to you.  Be your own kind of beautiful and own it, live it, breathe it!  If you are dissatisfied, change something.  Smile more!  Be happy inside and out and show that beauty with your radiant smile and attitude of kindness towards everyone.  
I found some cousins, family members who I've lost touch with for over 30 years, found them on facebook.  It makes me happy!  They are beautiful, beautiful women.  I hope we can get together, stay in touch and that in some small way I can build them up and we can encourage and love each other as family and friends.  I have a huge family.  My mother has 7 siblings and my dad has 7 as well and my parents are 78 years old.  All of my aunts and uncles have large families so I have a lot of cousins and I'm even getting to find first cousins once removed, my cousin's children.  Social media is great for reconnecting and feeling like a family get together, like when we were kids.  
Every woman has something wonderful to offer others.  Give to those who love and appreciate you and give to those who need a lift.  Give a smile, a friendly hello or a helping hand.  
Believe that you are beautiful and you will be able to do amazing things.  Beautiful means so many different things, not just surface beauty on the outside.  The most wonderful women are those who love and serve and help others as part of their very being.  They uplift and share, communicate and teach, build others and don't put themselves first.  Me time is great, but as we give and build others, we have so much more beautiful substance to share.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Be Better

What is life were 'easy'?  Do you wish things could be 'easier' for you?  Do you feel like life is 'easier' for everyone around you?  Why does it sometimes seem like others have it easier than I do?  Do they really have it easier?  Probably not.  Everyone has their own set of problems and challenges in life.  It is a journey and a process for us to experience.  When I feel like others have it better or easier than I do, I take a look around me, pause and feel gratitude for what I do have in my life.  If I want things to be easier or better for me, it is up to me to change my attitude, my outlook, my work ethic, my patience, my persistence, my passion, my focus,.  Things can be easier as I get better and better with my focus and time management.  Is it hard to do?  Sure it can be hard.  But I can decide to make a change and make it.  I shouldn't wait for a crisis or a need to be better.  I decide to be better for me and for my family and friends.  You can choose to be better at something.  Look for ways you can improve your life, your family, your surroundings and your focus.  Seek after things that uplift and bring you joy.  Delete or get rid of things that drag you down or that don't add beauty and good to your life.  You have the power if you have the courage to let go of the past and make the changes needed for yourself for today and for your future.  It really doesn't matter what happened yesterday, last week, last month or last year.  You have the power to change and be better for today, for tomorrow and for your future.  "Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better"  -Jim Rohn
I like this thought.  It speaks to me!

Friday, January 9, 2015

I love to Zumba!

I love, love, love to do and teach Zumba!!  Yes!  I got myself certified last June and I've been holding classes with my friends and it's just a blast!  The certification class was held last June right here in Las Vegas and it was grueling and so much fun!  I had my Herbalife products with me for nutrition, energy and endurance and I felt great!  Zumba is my favorite way to work out and release the tension and built up energy of my day.  I have had compliments on my style and energy during the classes I teach.  My church group of women is amazing and we really have a lot of fun.  I sweat more than I ever have with any other kind of workout and I KNOW that's the fat burning zone!  Do Zumba, stay in that zone longer!  Burn the fat and calories.  We have to sweep the floor after class because of all the calories and fat lost during class!  Lol.  I'm over 50 and I feel fantastic.  No excuses, join a class, go for a walk/run, swim, play outside with your kids, ride a bike, go to Zumba!  Find out what you LOVE to do, then do it!  I lead classes in Las Vegas, NV in Winter and Reedsport, OR during the Summer months.  If you want in, I'm here to help you!  How much fun is Zumba?  It's better than therapy, yet you get all the benefits of feeling GREAT when you are done!   Your family will thank you for going! 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Resistance or Flow?

Today I watched a bird flying in the wind.  It flew against the wind for a bit, but as you know, when the wind is strong, birds don't fly against the wind, they are still, not moving much, with their wings outstretched staying in place as the wind keeps them there.. The bird was at a stand still when it flew against the wind.  Then the bird made a smooth turn and let the wind carry him as he eased across the sky and I imagined his happiness at the ease of flying with the wind.  I don't know what it means, but it made me happy to see the bird.  It almost seemed to like to turn and be at a stand still once in a while and take in the resistance of the wind.
Do we appreciate our surroundings and just stand still and be happy in our moments now and then?
I feel like taking control of when we take it all in and stand still, then turn and run with the flow of our blessings coming to us in our lives is up to us.  Watching the bird was joyful, peaceful.  I put myself in his position and didn't feel like the winds were pushing me, but that I was working WITH the winds of change and circumstance for my life.  Just an observation today.  Felt good to Look Up and notice nature and life around me.  I saw the bird at the Dumont Sand Dunes in Southern California today.  My husband and I were picking up a rental trailer out there together.  We spent the day together and it was great!