So we all have disappointments in life, that's life. Yes. I accept that we are supposed to grow and learn and have experiences, but it doesn't make it fun or easy. I get disappointed and wonder how I could've been better or made things turn out differently. So, I think I need a list.. a list of what to do when I'm disappointed. First of all, my family is the best. I rarely am disappointed in them. Each of my family members are individuals with goals and dreams of their own and that's good. I am in no way wanting to manipulate or persuade any of my family members to do anything except follow their own righteous desires and dreams that are good for their lives. I'm not really 'aiming' this post towards anyone.. I feel like I've been disappointed a few times in my life though and need reminded of what to DO when I feel like this.
1) Be Grateful. I have been given so much. Count my blessings, look at the good, focus on the positive and smile. Even if it takes writing notes to myself to remind me of my blessings then I need to do that. I keep a journal, a gratitude journal, and I try to write in it frequently. It's about due for another entry!
2) Serve. When I focus on others needs, my own needs become less important. Serving gives me a sense of taking care of someone else and that feels great! When I put others needs before my own, my own disappointments and problems seem insignificant, or at least lessened.
3) Smile. Says it all. I remind myself to smile often. I look better when I smile!
4) Listen to uplifting music or talks. Putting positive 'things' in my mind fills it with good, happy thoughts and messages instead of the disappointments I may be feeling. Play a video that is happy and listen to light, happy and inspiring music.
5) Focus on my talents. Work on a project. I love to create and make things newer and more lovely. When I work on a hobby or talent, I feel great and accomplished and my disappointments are pushed away to the background and my talents and hobbies, things I love to do, are pushed to the forefront! When I play the piano, I always am uplifted and in a better mood. Singing makes me smile and be happy too. A song is like a prayer of the heart spoken up to heaven. Uplifting to my soul.
6) Give. When I give of my time, talents, energy and love I feel good inside and it shows on the outside as well.
7) Work. Work hard and smart. Get things done. When I get things organized and manageable, I feel accomplished instead of disappointed. Work my plan, set goals and plan to work.
8) Talk with a close family member. When I talk to one of my kids on facetime or on the phone, I always feel better and do not focus on any of the disappointing things that may have happened that day. I love my family and I have many family members to talk to. I feel their love when we talk and share our day and lives with each other.
9) Read scriptures or good, uplifting inspirational books. I can learn from the experiences of others when I read books that have stories of triumph and victory. In good books I can find victory for good, triumph in overcoming obstacles to live a better life. Reading books and listening to audio books helps me to learn how to deal with disappointments with dignity.
10) Love others for who they are. I should never want to take away anyone's choice and force them to see things my way. Everyone has the right to choose the way they want to live and it is my 'job' in life to not want to or have the desire to force others to see everything my way. Love others no matter what they decide to do in their life. This does not mean I should hang out with or spend time with people who are not on the same path as I am on as far as my goals are concerned, but that I can and should love others no matter what choices they make. We can find common ground and enjoy our differences, or move on and make friends who are like minded and help us to grow and reach our goals.
11) Spend time with my husband. My husband is the love of my life. I look up to him, admire him, respect him and cherish our time together. I always enjoy his company. We have a good marriage and have raised 5 wonderful kids who we have a good relationship with as they are growing into adults. I love to take walks, watch movies, go on drives, work side by side, and do lots of things with my husband. He helps me feel happy and loved. We are companions and I am so blessed to have him and he is blessed to have me.
12) Remember that Jesus Christ loves me and I am of great worth. I am a daughter of God, a woman with a divine destiny and I strive to fulfill that calling of daughter, sister, wife, and mother to the best of my ability. I cannot do anything alone. I need my Heavenly Father and His love and guidance. I know that God sent His Son Jesus Christ to this earth to be an example, to live and to give His life for all of mankind, for me. He paid for all of my sins and took upon himself my heartaches and worries. I must trust that God has a plan for me and that through His Son I can be made perfect someday and join with them and my family in an Eternal Life, if I strive to live according to His laws and love.
I have a lovely life, but I do experience disappointments now and then. It is a human experience and I'm learning to deal and grow and move on. I should never expect to never be disappointed in my life. I am one, only one, woman, but I am one and I can be a positive influence for good to those who love me and want to be with me.

We all have influence for our friends, family and everyone we come in contact with. What jacks you up? What do you like to do? What do you wish you could do? Live your life, live your dreams and enjoy the journey! I love to sing, craft, paint, bake, play piano, play with my grandkids, be with my family, and travel. I believe we can be as young as we feel through great Nutrition. I can show you how. Alaina 702-332-7079 Herbalife health coach living with UC
- Be your best self
- Business Opportunity
- Change your life
- Dream Again
- Family
- Fit
- Get Healthy
- Goals
- Happiness
- Happy Marriage
- Hard Work
- Healthy Active Lifestyle
- Herbalife
- Live your dreams
- Lose Weight
- Love
- Personal Coaching
- UC
- Work
- Work from home
- auto immune disease
- energy
- nutrition
- personal development
- weight control
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
My health journey
I'll be totally honest. I'm excited to keep getting older. Yep. I look forward to my future and I know I HAVE a future! I love living each day and enjoying the world around me. I love my husband and that we get to work together and set goals and work towards our dreams together. I love my life. It is a life we have created by design. I'm so proud of Kelly, my husband, for all his hard work in supporting his family AND creating a life we enjoy together. We've always had common interests and goals and do things together. I'm so grateful for that!
When we decided to work towards having better health together, it was key and important that we do it together, help each other and work towards goals together. We are not perfect, we cheat and enjoy 'bad' things sometimes, but we stick with a plan that we know keeps us active and healthy and gives us great nutrition as we age. I don't feel like slowing down as I age and so far I haven't had to. I'm over 50 years old and I keep a schedule that is active. I swim, walk, dance, work out and just keep going through my day with the energy I need to accomplish my tasks, work and play.
Before we decided to work on our health through nutrition, we were both facing some unhealthy issues and we were on a path that would lead to medication and feeling like crap. I was borderline diabetic, my triglycerides were too high, my cholesterol was creeping up too high and my blood pressure was rising. My doctor told me to cut sugars and lose weight. I felt frumpy and my clothes were fitting way too tight. I was in a size 14 jeans and really needed to go to a size 16, but I wouldn't have it! Kelly was not sleeping well at night at all, he has sleep apnia and it was getting really bad. He'd fall asleep at the drop of a hat and had NO energy during the day. His weight was getting dangerously high, he was tipping the scales at almost 350 pounds. Not feeling good at all.
Once we started our nutrition plan, things started to change for both of us. As I lost weight, I felt so much better! I felt better in my clothes, and the pounds just came off as I stuck to the nutrition plan day after day, week after week. I loved the plan because I could still enjoy foods I liked - pizza, ice cream, cheeseburgers, an occasional brownie even. I had more energy and when I went in for my annual blood work up my Doctor asked what I had been doing! I had lost 25 pounds and my blood panel was so improved they were NOT worried about me having to take diabetic meds any longer. My blood pressure was so good, the Dr. said I have the blood pressure of a teenager! Wow did that feel good!
Kelly's weight came off as well. He lost 52 pounds in 12 weeks on our plan! Typically a person will lose between a 1/2 pound and 1 pound a week, so his results were not typical , but it is possible! He did it! I had lost 15 pounds in 12 weeks my first 12 weeks of the program. I went on to lose 32 pounds and Kelly, over 120 pounds. We felt GREAT! We had more energy and started riding bikes, going on hikes and enjoying riding in the sand dunes and even tubing and water skiing again. We loved our new size! Talk about a spark for our marriage. We've been married now for over 35 years and we were excited about the new people we had become physically.
We've kept most of our weight off and we've definitely kept up our energy and lifestyle. I am so grateful for the way we feel and the way we live as we are getting older. MANY people have told me I do not look my age. Feels so great!
I am looking for people to help - people who are struggling with their weight and want a nutrition plan they can live with and not feel deprived day after day. I'm also looking for people who are wanting a way out of the 'hamster wheel" of life in the business world. If you would like to learn how to create financial freedom, this is also a business opportunity for you to start sharing with your circle of influence and anyone around you - everyone you talk to is someone you can potentially help! I talk to people all the time and am building my team of people to help. I am a health and wellness coach for my nutrition company and I help others do what I have done. I can help YOU if you are reading this and need a way to feel better, look better, age gracefully and have better health. I'm NOT claiming that I have the cure, or treatment or can diagnose or prevent diseases, but when we give our bodies GREAT nutrition, tools it needs to be healthy, it CAN do amazing things! See where YOU could go with your nutrition plan. Contact me about YOUR plan and I will help you all along the way.
I am passionate about helping others and I will be your advocate and coach for life. If you are willing, we will build a relationship and I will show you how to get healthy, stay healthy. I will also help YOU to build a team of people around you to help, if you would like to create a business around the things you love to do. All it takes is an invitation for your friends and family to take a look, try it out and get results. We will work together to build a dream that is both yours and mine. Team work makes the dream work.
If you are looking for healthy nutrition for a better life and/or an opportunity to build a wall of financial freedom around your family, I can get you started now. Years will go by anyway, how about working towards something that could turn into something great! My company's marketing plan is the #1 best in the nutritional world. I will share it with serious minded people who ask.
I love feeling the way I do and when I hear of people who struggle with their weight, their health and with problems that come with aging, my heart goes out to them! But I cannot force my plan on anyone.. we all make choices. I hope to help YOU with your choices for great nutrition for your best life in all aspects of life. This business is FUN and lucrative and so rewarding. I hope you'll join us!
If you are reading this and want to know more, please contact me at OR for fastest response, text me at 702-332-7079 I help clients all over the US so no worries that you don't live near me. With technology today, we have so many ways to stay in touch!
Happy and Healthy Day to YOU!
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Happy Life List ~ 10 points to happiness
My list for a Happy Life:
1) Come to a realization of who you are, how special you are and how much worth you really have. Everyone is unique and special and has different ideas and energy to bring to others. Fill your mind with good thoughts of who you are, where you come from and where you are going. Hold on to your faith and seek out truth, light and knowledge. If you believe in God, Pray for His guidance and ask Him to help you know your journey and path.
2) Read uplifting books and materials. Fill your mind with good, positive energy through books, audio books, seminars or positive conversations with friends and family. You can't have positive thoughts if you have nothing positive in your mind. By deliberately placing in your mind positive materials, you'll be able to draw upon those phrases and words when you need them. Read the scriptures, inspirational talks, personal development books by uplifting authors and listen to good music with good lyrics to uplift your soul daily.
3) Spend time talking to friends and family, in person and/or on the phone. There's something that means more than sending and receiving text messages from family and friends. A phone conversation brings people closer, more connected. Why is it so difficult for all of us to answer the phone or to call someone? Technology is so quick and easy, but actually talking to a friend or family member will strengthen your relationship more than only sending social media messages back and forth. I love technology and love to Facetime my family and close friends. I enjoy an in person visit. I love to talk to loved ones on the phone. I do enjoy the occasional snapchat or text message filled with emoti-cons back and forth. Seeing my family post to Facebook and Instragram is awesome! But we all could stand to use the phone or visit in person more often.
4) Choose a hobby you love to do and spend time doing it at least weekly. I have many hobbies and I am really happy when I make the time to DO those hobbies! I love to play the piano, craft, make jewelry for family and friends, do decorative painting or paint and refinish furniture, sing, play the flute, dance, ride a bike, walk, swim, waterski, and bake. Make time to do something you love to do just because every week, even a little bit every day! YOU are worth the time to do what you love, it will help you feel rejuvenated and happy.
5) Take time to enjoy nature. We live in a beautiful world full of so many great places to see. Weather you live in the desert, the mountains, the coast or the plains, there is always something to enjoy. I love the bring my camera and snap photos of places I see that I enjoy. I live on the Oregon Coast so walking or hiking in beautiful places is very enjoyable. I love to visit the Beach and look for treasures and enjoy nature. God has given us so much to enjoy!
6) Spend time learning and improving yourself. Learn something new. Learn a new process for doing something mundane. Make things fun, enjoyable. Have the "I Get To" attitude, instead of the "I Have To" attitude. We "get to" do so many things. There are so many opportunities around us for improvement and for good. We CAN improve our circumstances by learning new skills and learning new processes and doing things better and better every single day. Progress is progress, small or big, progress is progress. Make progress towards learning every day.. It will give you a sense of accomplishment enjoyed by those who dream and make things better for themselves in all aspects of life.
7) Exercise: Move. Lift. Swim. Walk. Run. Dance. Ride a Bike. If you're only 'activity' is playing video games, that is a sedentary life. Get moving and get into action. You will improve your mood, your circulation, your heart health, your joint health, your whole physical body will improve overall. If you hurt when you exercise, examine how you are performing your activity. Choose an activity that you CAN do and you enjoy. Exercise will prolong your life and give you more energy!
8) Eat a nutritious variety of foods in the correct amounts. Have a plan for your nutrition for your physical well being. Avoid fast food and high fatty, sugary foods. Your heart health depends on a diet high in nutrients like protein, vitamins, minerals, healthy, natural supplements and whole foods. We do not get enough protein in our American diet as a whole. Choose healthy proteins that are both animal and plant protein. Choose whole fruits and vegetables, cooked at home or raw. Choose drinks that are healthy for you. Don't "drink your calories". Many fruit juices and drinks we buy in the stores are full of sugar and calories and just not healthy for our bodies. We feel sluggish and tired when we consume too much sugar and high fatty foods. Find a nutrition plan you can live with and be consistent with it! You'll experience weight loss and better health. Over 60% of men in America are considered overweight or obese! Let's get healthier together! 80% of your weight loss goals are a result of what you eat!
9) Sleep. You need sleep for overall good health. We don't sleep enough. Early to bed and early to rise really is a great health and happiness tip. Just like a child who is cranky when they don't have a full nights rest or don't have a nap, we can be very cranky and moody when we don't get enough sleep. If you are on a weight loss program, getting enough rest/sleep is crucial. Our bodies need time to repair and recuperate after being active for the whole day. A good number is 8-10 hours for adults, depending on how active you are during the day. The more active you are, the more sleep you need. Repair what has been worn out, torn down and depleted because of our workout schedule.
10) Love. Give your love to your loved ones. Serve others. Help those who are in need of help. Give to a charity or organization. Be available to your friends and family for service. When you see a need, don't ask if you can help, just help. Pray for others who need help. We cannot do everything, but the something we CAN do will make a difference for those we love and serve. Give time to your church or favorite organization in service. When you serve others, you are able to lose yourself. We aren't so focused on ourselves and our problems when we are serving others. This brings a feeling of peach and charity and is a great feeling! Love unconditionally. Don't expect a reciprocation of your service, just do it for the person you are serving without expectations of anything in return. We can love everyone without putting our stamp of approval for the way others choose to live their lives. We are all different and we all choose our way. We can love everyone without accepting everything everyone does as what we will do ourselves. Show love and respect no matter what.
This is my list of 10 things for happiness in this life. I'm sure there are more 'things' to add that would make us happy.. True happiness is found not in material possessions or trips or toys. True happiness is found in the impact we give and leave with our family and friends. It is found in the simple, human daily acts we perform daily in secret where the whole world does not see. In this day and age of social media and everyone calling "Look what I'm doing!" let's seek for the kind of happiness that is quiet and loving and simple. Serve others. Give love and I hope this helps someone. We may feel like we need to change to be happy. First, be happy where you are at, be grateful for what you do have and then move forward..make little changes that you CAN make every day and they will add up to big changes over a lifetime. The challenge is happiness. If you are seeking happiness and feel like you aren't happy, what should you seek to change? I believe that we can be happy no matter what our circumstances are. If we don't like our circumstances, change them. YOU have the POWER to CHANGE! We are human beings with intelligence and we CAN become what we want to become. Choose a path, look to those who have accomplished what you want and pattern your life after them. Choose a mentor, someone you love and respect and look up to and work toward learning what they did to have what you want to have, weather it is something spiritual or physical. We are here on this earth to seek every good thing. Everyone deserves to be happy and to find a joyful way in life. Leave a comment if you have anything to add.
build your future,
Business Opportunity,
Dream Again,
happy life,
no excuses,
personal development,
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Have you found an Opportunity for financial freedom?
I feel like writing stuff down today. I tried to do the 365 days of blogging and that didn't work out. Life gets busy and I'm not always able to.. I DO post on social media DAILY and sometimes many times a day! I accept friend requests because I do like making new friends and being able to help those who reach out to get healthier in their every day habits. I'm not perfect, as you could tell by my not being able to commit and DO 365 days of blogging. :) BUT, I do try and I am happy to help my customers, friends, clients and family that want my help. I know not everyone is going to want to enjoy the same Nutrition Plan as I do, but I will keep going and looking for and inviting others and find those who want to join me. I do not share and help for myself. My motives are not selfish. I want to give the opportunity of better nutrition, health AND wealth to others through my business opportunity that I have chosen. It isn't for everyone. It isn't easy. It takes a strong will, mind and heart to keep going in a business that many do not understand. I have been using Herbalife too long to every quit. I have been to too many work, business training meetings to ever quit. I see what is possible and I try to show that to others who will take the time to understand.
I ask this question - Have you found the opportunity that will set you on the path of financial freedom? Are you looking for that opportunity? If you start to look, please ask me to show you this Herbalife business opportunity. It may be for you. If I could show you the Herbalife business opportunity, will you take a look? I am looking for coaches, others who want to help others to become healthier, have more energy and have better, improved health through this awesome nutrition company called Herbalife. I have reached, pretty much, the limit of what I am capable of doing alone. I do make extra money part time and it's AWESOME! I love getting a check in the mail every month for introducing my friends to Herbalife. I am rewarded every time my friends consume this very healthy nutrition program. The marketing plan is the best, it is. Allow me to show it to you and you will decide for yourself.
I have this passion in my gut and in my head to keep going, to keep inviting, to keep sharing until... until I find a handful of coaches who have this same passion for sharing and it duplicates and grows into a huge team of people who are helping others in their communities across the continent and maybe someday, across the world, to get healthy and stay healthy through the great Herbalife nutrition program.
I am only one. But I am one. I can make a difference in others' lives and I can help others to learn how to make a difference in their friend's lives, and so on. I work my Herbalife business part time around my family and around our other business that supports us. I can make a difference. I am trying to make a difference. I invite and I have to accept a yes or a no. I will keep going and strive to inspire and progress and be better and better. I want things to keep improving and to keep getting better and as I improve myself, I know they will. I have witnessed other people who are sharing Herbalife with their friends become very successful and create a large organization of team members who all have the same mission. The mission is to bring Herbalife nutrition to every household across the globe, that is the mission I am a part of. I am looking for people to join me and be part of my organization and build something fantastic for themselves and their families.
Why Herbalife? So many stories of recover, healthy, healing, energy, weight loss, weight gain, better results in the gym, all the spectrum of what nutrition can do for our bodies. We can not get all the nutrition we need by eating whole foods. We can't. Herbalife supports a healthy diet and exercise program for us to live a healthy, active lifestyle.
Promote yourself and join me. Find out what Herbalife could do for you! Try it out for three days and see how you feel! I don't know who, if anyone, will read this. I need to say it though. You CAN create the lifestyle of your dreams if you decide to learn a few methods and share and teach others to do the same. You can change your circumstances, but YOU have to be willing to work and learn and grow and step outside of your comfort zone and use the Herbalife products, wear the button or brand and talk to people. Easy as that. I also have a system to help others learn how to get a customer and keep a customer. Do people quit? sure they do. We all have choices. When it gets hard, some people quit. I am not one of those people and I'm looking for people like me who will not quit. I work my business in the parts of my day that I can. I have a happy life. I try to be a happy person and do things I enjoy and I work with my husband in our business that pays the bills. I want to build my Herbalife business so that we do not HAVE to work so hard all the time! Wouldn't that be nice! I do like to work, don't get me wrong.. it is sometimes what keeps us happy and healthy. But not 'worrying' about money and going and doing and helping others would be really awesome.
Herbalife can provide a freedom that not many other businesses or occupations provide.
That's all for today.. more later I hope to keep blogging.
I ask this question - Have you found the opportunity that will set you on the path of financial freedom? Are you looking for that opportunity? If you start to look, please ask me to show you this Herbalife business opportunity. It may be for you. If I could show you the Herbalife business opportunity, will you take a look? I am looking for coaches, others who want to help others to become healthier, have more energy and have better, improved health through this awesome nutrition company called Herbalife. I have reached, pretty much, the limit of what I am capable of doing alone. I do make extra money part time and it's AWESOME! I love getting a check in the mail every month for introducing my friends to Herbalife. I am rewarded every time my friends consume this very healthy nutrition program. The marketing plan is the best, it is. Allow me to show it to you and you will decide for yourself.
I am only one. But I am one. I can make a difference in others' lives and I can help others to learn how to make a difference in their friend's lives, and so on. I work my Herbalife business part time around my family and around our other business that supports us. I can make a difference. I am trying to make a difference. I invite and I have to accept a yes or a no. I will keep going and strive to inspire and progress and be better and better. I want things to keep improving and to keep getting better and as I improve myself, I know they will. I have witnessed other people who are sharing Herbalife with their friends become very successful and create a large organization of team members who all have the same mission. The mission is to bring Herbalife nutrition to every household across the globe, that is the mission I am a part of. I am looking for people to join me and be part of my organization and build something fantastic for themselves and their families.
Why Herbalife? So many stories of recover, healthy, healing, energy, weight loss, weight gain, better results in the gym, all the spectrum of what nutrition can do for our bodies. We can not get all the nutrition we need by eating whole foods. We can't. Herbalife supports a healthy diet and exercise program for us to live a healthy, active lifestyle.
Promote yourself and join me. Find out what Herbalife could do for you! Try it out for three days and see how you feel! I don't know who, if anyone, will read this. I need to say it though. You CAN create the lifestyle of your dreams if you decide to learn a few methods and share and teach others to do the same. You can change your circumstances, but YOU have to be willing to work and learn and grow and step outside of your comfort zone and use the Herbalife products, wear the button or brand and talk to people. Easy as that. I also have a system to help others learn how to get a customer and keep a customer. Do people quit? sure they do. We all have choices. When it gets hard, some people quit. I am not one of those people and I'm looking for people like me who will not quit. I work my business in the parts of my day that I can. I have a happy life. I try to be a happy person and do things I enjoy and I work with my husband in our business that pays the bills. I want to build my Herbalife business so that we do not HAVE to work so hard all the time! Wouldn't that be nice! I do like to work, don't get me wrong.. it is sometimes what keeps us happy and healthy. But not 'worrying' about money and going and doing and helping others would be really awesome.
Herbalife can provide a freedom that not many other businesses or occupations provide.
That's all for today.. more later I hope to keep blogging.
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