My poor FACE! July 8, 2018 I was walking in our parking lot, taking care of the dog stuff. We have a pooper scooper that we use to keep the driveway cleared up. I picked up a poop and threw it into the bushes and was walking back to the building and BAMM! I tripped on something in the lot and couldn't catch myself at all, landed directly on my FACE on the as-fault. Kelly came running to help me up. Scared me more than anything, but felt ok. It was a Sunday morning and I was asked to lead the Relief Society discussion that day! I put ice on it, and then some bandaids and hiked up my big girl panties and went to church! I led the discussion just fine. It was ok and I was ok. I don't know why I tripped in the first place. Maybe I was tired from only having liquids and soft foods... I didn't have much energy for sure. I needed surgery and finally I found Dr. Tersigni to do it for me.
Well, Doctor Tersigni at the Bay Area Hospital in Coos Bay Oregon did magic for me July 18, 2018! I was a bit scared, as usual, to go under and have surgery.... but I needed fixed so bad. I was ready to NOT have a herviated and kinked small intestine that cased blockages and was so painful! I went in on a Thursday and all went as scheduled. The HARDEST part about surgery for me is the IV!!! They have so much trouble lately putting in an IV! After 5 tries, I finally had one in my forearm and would be comfortable. When I was coming out from being sedated, I was crying. I don't know why. I was pretty emotional. But it was over and I had a much smaller stoma - I was worried it wouldn't work, Lol. It works fine though. I had some nausea and throwing up from the pain meds though. That concerned me a lot. I thought I was having blockages again. But it all turned out ok after they switched pain meds. I went home on Saturday!! I felt pretty darn great too. I had pain at the stoma sight, it had to heal all over again, but I felt great. I went to church the next day.
My son and his wife welcomed a new baby girl into their family July 21st. Her name is Rosalie Ann Muntifering and she's such a doll. Dawson, loves her. My son and his kids... so precious! They live so far away right now, can't wait to make a visit up there. Mel says that Dawson is so sweet to Rose and wants to know where she is as soon as he wakes up in the morning. She took the two of them on a walk today, Aug 15, to go visit their Daddy at work. He works within walking distance at the hospital. Such a sweet family and the good news was AWESOME right after my fix me up surgery.
My daughter and her family came up to Oregon and camped and visited us a couple days. I was only about 5 days our of surgery so they hung out around here and took trips during the day. They took their kids to Sunset Bay, a place I often took Jennifer and her brothers when they were kids. Her kids had fun wading, hiking and looking for crabs and sea life. So fun to see them and play games and have meals with them. Jen and Kevin are doing a great job with their cute kids!
August 3rd I went to the river with Daniel and Stephanie and we brought our blow up rafts. It was so fun and relaxing after working SO MUCH for days! It was a beautiful, perfect day. Warm and made us all want to get in the water. I puttered around a bit and then Daniel and Stephanie got in their raft and they tied me to theirs so I wouldn't float away Lol. I felt good, but getting out of that raft was HARD, Lol. Daniel helped me and Stephanie get down the up the trail. Stephanie is 6 months pregnant and I was only 2 weeks post op. But it was a great little trip. We were only there about an hour and a half. We'd like to see about inviting Brad's family to come next time. It's about half way between us.
So I'm doing good. Thank goodness I can eat again and I'm not having problems. I met with Dr. Tersigni for a follow up and he said unless I have problems, I'm doing good.. no need to see him anymore. So grateful! I want to write a letter to the hospital about Dr. Lawson who wouldn't do the surgery for me to get fixed. I went in to the Reedsport hospital twice and he wouldn't do it. Oh well... but I want them to know he was negligent in my opinion.
All is well and I'm doing good. Kelly takes great care of me and I'm back to delivering and picking up trailers with him and Daniel. Summer is almost over already! Kelly and I take our first trip to take a trailer back to Nevada this SUNDAY! Wow! Life is good. I try to do things that make me happy. I led the RS discussion again last Sunday. I enjoy doing that and in Reedsport they ask me a lot. Kelly and I are giving a talk in sacrament meeting Aug 26th. My first talk in a long time.