Sunday, June 25, 2017

Being active and in shape is not a guarantee

I was very active a year and a half ago!  I was attending FIT camps, walking almost daily, leading Zumba classes and attending Kettle Bell classes.  I went on hikes now and then and rode my bike when it wasn't windy.  Then, things changed.  Being active was not my guarantee against diseases or physical pains.  My body started acting up and no one knows why really.  I am writing this for awareness and maybe, just maybe, I'll come across someone who wants to reach out and we can support each other somehow.  
Today, I deal with a kind of rare auto immune disease called Ulcerative Colitis.  It is pretty uncommon or maybe I feel that way because when you DO have it, it's very difficult to talk about.  It's like a silent disease.  It attacks all different types of people, old, young, healthy, unhealthy, fit, sedentary, overweight and thin.  Who knows why.  When you have UC you don't 'look' sick.  You can hide it pretty well, unless you have a really perceptive daughter in law who sees symptoms pretty quickly.  My daughter in law noticed.  I was visiting their house and a few times, more than once, I had to practically jump up from the couch and head to the bathroom.  I was only there for a few hours.  She noticed that was not a normal thing for me so when I told her about my condition, she felt that she already knew and was not surprised.  
One of the symptoms of UC is urgency to go to the bathroom.  You don't have even a minute or second to spare sometimes.  The urges can come at any moment no matter where you are or what you are doing.  They can come when you are traveling in a car, working outside, walking around the store, or when you're a driver in your car.  It can be awful and paralyzing.  You wonder if you CAN go out and do something without having an accident.  I got to the point where I started wearing adult depends undergarments after not making it to the bathroom in time for a BM at home.  THAT was a horrific experience the first time! I was so embarrassed and shamed and upset, even though I was alone in my house.  As I was running to the bathroom, I just started going… it was not a great feeling.  I tore off my clothes, turned on the shower and jumped in.  I was in tears, crying and wondering how to stop this.  I did not want to experience this again.  I would experience it again though, quite a few more times.. after about the second time, I decided I needed Depends, at least until my symptoms could get under more control. 

The thing about UC, this Irritable Bowel Disease, is that there is no one path to relieving symptoms for everyone.  It’s so hard to figure out.  Medications that work for one person don’t always work for another person.  One drug may completely change someone’s life and symptoms, and for another that same drug won’t touch the symptoms.  Doctors and Gastroenterologists are practically ‘guessing’ which drugs to give you and which treatment plan is good for you.  I have taken 5 different drugs and paths and I still deal with bloody bowels, urgency, gassy bloody mucus, going to the toilet frequently at night and terrible body fatigue. 
I was diagnosed in March of 2016 after having a colonoscopy – It looked terrible!  My colon was all inflamed and red in the left side and the bleeding was BAD.  My symptoms started around Aug of 2016 with terrible gassiness and urgency, no bleeding yet.  Then around December of 2016, the bleeding started and it got really bad.  By the time I saw my primary care Doc and got a referral and appointment for a colonoscopy, it was March.  Then the diagnosis and I was referred to a Gastroenterologist in Las Vegas.  I made an appointment and I was off on a path of trying different drugs to see which one would work for me. 

The first line of defense with this auto immune disease is steroid treatment.  I was placed on Prednisone, a steroid, in different strengths to start out and taper off FIVE times over the next year.  It would stop the bleeding, mostly, but the drug I was taking along with the Prednisone would not work or keep symptoms at bay unless I was taking Prednisone.  Not good.  No one should be taking a steroid for long periods of time and in no way is it a long term solution.  Side effects for me weren’t really bad.. weight gain (I have gained 15 pounds over the past year since starting Prednisone), fatigue, water retention in my ankles and face and neck area (puffing up with a ‘moon face’), and my teeth became super sensitive to cold.  I feel like it is probably weakening my bones as well.  I should have a bone density test taken soon. 
I took Lialda – it didn’t touch the symptoms by itself and I was taking the highest dose possible.  I took another white tablet – I’ll have to look it up – that my GI thought would be the end all be all for me, it didn’t touch symptoms along with the Lialda either. 
Time for the big guns – Biologics.  Things HAVE to get better!  
More later –

Alaina, an Herbalife health coach living with UC